Saturday, October 19, 2013

Work with What You've Got

I know I'm not the only girl out there who lopped off several inches and went for the angled bob. Don't get me wrong, I have loved the haircut. I've never been one to get too attached to my hair. I grow my hair pretty long and chop it off about every year and a half. Lately, I've been missing my long hair a bit more than usual. The main thing I miss is the limitless styling options of long hair. One of my favorites is the topknot or any kind of updo. So one night, I started playing around and came up with a super easy way to get a full looking updo/topknot for shoulder length hair. We are talking five minutes easy.

What you need:
  • bobby pins
  • hair elastic
  • hair spray
What you do:
NOTE: This seems to work best with hair that has a little bit of texture to it. I have tried this when my hair was straightened, and it did not turn out near as well. Air-dried hair (mine is wavy) worked a million times better for this style. Try a texture spray if you have straight hair before you start this one.
1. Pull hair up high, like you're putting it in a ponytail. Only pull it half-way through, leaving a loop. Let any sections too short to stay in the ponytail fall. We will pin that up later.
2. Pull pieces of the loop forward, hiding the elastic, and pin it down. Try to catch a bit of the elastic in the bobby pin; this will help it stay.
3. Pull pieces of the loop down, and pin it into place. Again, try to catch some of the elastic in the bobby pin. Keep pinning sections of the loop around the elastic until you're happy with how it looks.

4. Gather the hair that fell from the ponytail. Twist it together and pin it up. You may still see the bobby pins, but that doesn't bother me. If it bothers you for them to be visible...sorry.  I haven't found a way to hide those pins that hold the too-short pieces yet! If you know a trick, please share it with me! Give the bun a little hairspray and you're good to go!

If you try it out, let me know how it works for you, or what worked better!

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